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That’s mane:
repeat by clarifying your question it's not clear.
Can you please give more details about your question
Hello Modou
Merci de nous avoir rejoint dans la communauté.
Merci pour les achats que vous faites avec nous.
Sachez que le service Orange Sargal permet aux clients d’acquérir de nombreux cadeaux grâce aux points gagnés gratuitement après chaque recharge.
Inscrivez-vous en tapant # 221 # et suivez les instructions.
Ou avec SOS pass internet
Avec les pass mois Profitez d’un Pass Internet nuit d'1Go offert de 0h à 8hoffert tous les jours Et Bénéficiez de 400Mo offerts sur 0.Facebook.
Hello You can join the orange community assistant and you will receive 150mo. Also you can subscribe to the sargal orange program #221# to switch points and take advantage of gifts. Or you can buy the Orange Pass 1 month at 2000frs for 2,5GB and you will have as gift 1GB each night for 1 month usable from 00h to 8h. Thank you
Gars yii vs vs debrouillez trés bien en Anglais hein
Hello Modou Mamoune !
connection problems can be due to the characteristics of your mobile.
use a terminal compatible with 4G or at least 3G is recommended.
It seems obvious that your residential area is experiencing disturbances in the quality of the network.
Our teams continue to improve the quality of our networks in each of these areas already covered.
We hope that in a short time you will be able to take full advantage of Senegal's best network.
Do not hesitate to come back to us if you have any other questions.
Thank you !
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Mouhamad F a répondu
Mouhamad F a répondu
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un anonyme a répondu
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